Feeling constantly Negative? You might lack perspective

Hello Readers,

I have been watching an obscene amount of motivational videos those past few days... I'm sure if you're just a little bit into the personal development & no bullshit lifestyle like I am right now, you would have heard of Gary V?

Well, what was my surprise yesterday, when listening and watching my god-knows-how-many video of him of the day, to hear this interesting advice: Every morning, he imagines that the 9 most important people in his life - ie: mum, dad, wife, kids and some friends...- are all brutally murdered!!! At first, and most probably like the majority of people, I was like WHAT THE ACTUAL WHAT GARY! What sort of psychopatic behaviour is that??... Then you start thinking as you hear his explanation.

To him, nothing that would make most of us rage all day long, actually matters more than 60sec. Why? Because he puts everything into perspective every single day.

Gary V's example: One big client didn't renew the contract? Then, minutes later, you hear that your mum died. Do you care about your client now?

Maybe this isn't your idea of perspective, and something else might resonate with you better and that's fine but the whole concept is the same. Either you grow from the setbacks, your hardships and focus on the positive OR you dwell on them and let them pile up so high you won't even know the light at the end of the tunnel is still shining bright... And I've been there!

And even if you've already got piles of crap in your brain, never forget that there is always hope and that the light is ALWAYS THERE - I will be talking about this more. It's all about Perspective.

Every day, a majority of us like to complain and stay in an awful mindset because of the pettiest and tiniest of details, instead of living with gratitude and in happiness. We ruin our day over small setbacks which probably won't matter the next day, week, or month.

My best friend is a doctor and she followed my dad's illness pretty closely with me. We used to have these conversations about all the little problems in life we would hear about from colleagues and others on a daily basis; always comparing them to REAL life problems. - Ooooh you got a soy latte instead of a soy flat white that's why you're in a bad mood? Yeah sorry, my dad's in chemo.

All I'm saying is: Let's get HIGH on gratitude people! I am feeding my brain small positive thoughts every day, little by little, and it's making a difference. It's a constant battle - especially if you're dealing with mental demons - but it isn't a lost battle!

Ever heard the story of the two wolves and the old Cherokee? ;)

With much grateful love,

A. x




5 things I do when I’m NOT OK