Dear Diary: It’s because.
Because I wanted and believed I could film movies when I was growing up.
Because I was called fat all through my childhood and ended up believing it.
Because I had a lot of influence when I was younger until I listened to others and my confidence dropped.
Because I was making choreographies every weekend.
Because I let grades define me.
Because I never felt like I truly belonged anywhere.
Because I know what it feels not to know how to laugh anymore.
Because I grew up believing everyone had the same life.
Because I followed the path everyone takes, choosing studies I knew about, for fear of not choosing at all.
Because I lived for everyone’s approval but never got my own.
Because I realized friends can be the cruelest.
Because my life’s timing always felt off.
Because I followed my intuition and accomplished my goals earlier on.
Because my passion for dancing really came true.
Because I was showed there isn’t just one way of life that makes people happy.
Because I miss the moments taken for granted.
Because I always wanted to be different but never be seen as such.
Because I found out decisions that lead you outside of your comfort zone, will hurt the most but will also be the ones you come back to.
Because I now know the vision of your life evolves with your circumstances.
Because Nature was there when no one else could be.
Because I started writing and remembered I had always been doing so.
Because the strongest person I knew fell ill.
Because I fell in love with a moment.
Because I lost myself.
Because I missed the inner me.
Because he is gone.
Because I am here.