6 truths to help you realise you aren’t broken
I am Alix. All my life, I convinced myself of all the reasons why doing the things I loved didn’t matter and wouldn’t work. All my life, I listened to people I deeply cared about or admired before myself, in order to fit in their own reality. Although most of them had good intentions, their truth wasn’t necessarily my own to bear. All my life, I tamed my idea of life, of living, for a more appropriate version of it.
Now that I am further along on my recovery journey from self-abandoner to empowered woman, I would like to share six of my mains realisations:
1. Your true friends are the ones who you share similar values with but don’t necessarily see life as you do, but love you and believe in you & your dreams regardless of it all. Real friendship shouldn’t mold you, it should free you.
- let it sink in…
2. The narrative you were constantly sold as a kid as to how YOUR life should be, is made up. Coming from people who care, it was their way of keeping you safe. Coming from people who don’t, it was their way of controlling you.
- let it sink in…
3. Prioritising yourself first is always best but there is an art to being self-full and not selfish.
- Let it sink in…
4. The more you repress it (whatever IT is), the more it will hurt when it comes out. If you cannot cope without repressing it, start looking at your nervous system, something doesn't feel safe outside or inside of yourself .
- yep… take a deep breath…
5. We are all just pretend adults who would much rather have fun & be weird but that wouldn’t benefit “the system”.
- give me a smile…
6. One of the root causes of burnout, people-pleasing, resentment, jealousy, comparison-itis & all other similar feelings is self-abandonment.
- re-read it, then re-read it again…
Can you relate to any of it? Not everyone will & that’s ok! But if any or all sound too true, too real, too present, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you want to chat!
With love always & sass forever,